

1、Love is a mirror that reflects back the best version of yourself.

2、锦城虽乐,不如回故乡;乐园虽好,非久留之地。归去来兮。华罗庚Chengdu is happy, than back to hometown; Paradise is good, but not too long. Im going home!. Hua luogeng

3、The heart that once trulyloves never forgets.


5、Love is not about possession, it is about appreciation and giving freedom to the person we love. 爱情不在于占有,而在于欣赏并给予所爱之人自由。

6、Love is a melody that brings harmony to your life's symphony.

7、Should we think of learning to forget!

8、剪不断,理还乱,是离愁,别是一般滋味在心头。李煜Cut constantly, Richard also disorderly, is sadness, an unspeakable taste in the heart. Li yu

9、Love is a candle that lights up even the darkest nights.

10、我是幸福的,因为我爱,因为我有爱。白朗宁I am happy, because I love, because I have love. Marder iii

11、Love is the greatest gift you can give to someone.

12、if i know what love is, it ibecause of you


14、Whether love tool ow,won't get happiness。是不是爱的太过卑微,就得不到真爱。

15、Love is not about finding the perfect person, but about seeing an imperfect person perfectly.

16、 Don't try to understand everything because sometimes, things are not meant to be understood but rather to just be accepted.

17、If you love me, please you love doesnt love, please leave. 如果你爱我,就请你好好爱,不爱请离开。

18、Love endures only when thelovers love many things together and not merely each other.

19、Love is a bridge that connects two hearts, regardless of the distance.

20、为了国家的利益,使自己的一生边为有用的一生,纵然只能效绵薄之力,我也会热血沸腾。果戈理Edge to the interests of the state, make oneself of the life as the useful life, even if only render effect, I will have a boiling passion. gogol



23、It is better to give than totake.

24、Love is a book that tells a story of passion, devotion, and companionship.

25、Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain.

26、Love is a gentle touch that can heal wounds and mend broken hearts.





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